4 Things you need to know about Chemical Peels!
October 24, 2016
Is Micro-Needling For Me?
May 2, 2017What is your acne telling you?

Clients constantly ask, why am I breaking out here?
One of the most common areas to break out is the chin and jawline. You will find this happens during your menstrual cycle time. Why there? Well, according to face mapping an ancient Asian science, the face is the window to the soul. The chin area represents a hormonal imbalance. Below you will find a face mapping graphic. See if it pertains to your outbreaks. Some tips for avoiding future breakouts are:
- Stay hydrated
- Don’t pick-bacterial can spread and cause new pimples
- Get regular facials, let the pro’s do the extractions.
- Seek the help of physician to help get those hormones under control
- Use pharmaceutical grade skin care products to treat acne
- Exfoliate-Exfoliate-Exfoliate!!!
- Don’t deprive you skin of moisturizer and hydration-it will just make more oil to compensate